I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, completing my undergrad at University of Oregon and my law degree at Gonzaga.
When I finished law school I decided to move to the Vancouver area because I wanted to stay in Washington State, where most of my family is originally from. I worked for over twelve years for Jeffrey Barrar doing public defense work for the City of Vancouver and Clark County, as well as briefly prosecuting for the City of Washougal and even a short stint as a Judge Pro Tem for Clark County District Court.
I have all the experience of a battle hardened public defender—I’ve been to trial on everything from Park Curfew Ordinance violations to Bank Robbery, Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Drug Trafficking, and Sex Crimes. I have extensive experience handling suppression hearings—trying to get a case thrown out before it even gets to a jury in cases where the police didn’t do their jobs right. I spent a lot of time practicing in Domestic Violence court, and have seen everything the DV prosecutors can throw at a case to try and make you look guilty. I know their tricks, I know the law, and I know how to show a jury the real story and get them to see your side of what happened and not just the horrible picture painted by the prosecuting attorney. When you retain me, you rest easy that I am working for you and only you to put up the best possible defense in your case.
I am an experienced lawyer who will fight for you. I will fight to protect your rights and make sure you get a fair shake at the legal system. That is a promise.
-Jason C. Bailes, Attorney at Law
Jason C. Bailes